RESTful API v6
Discover how Pleasant Password Server will enhance KeePass for business
(Version 7.11.3+)
Service Models (API v6)
Core Objects
- Entries
- Folders
- UserAccess
- UserFavourites
- Attachments
- OfflinePackage
- UserInfo
- Root
- Search
- AccessLevels
- User
- PasswordStrength
- CanUserAddEntry
- CanUserAddFolder
- IsCommentRequired
- IsOfflineAvailable
- GetServerInfo
- Configuration
- SiteCredential
- CredentialIdentifiersList
- PluginPolicy
- Icons
Differences Between v5 and v6
Endpoints added in API version 6:
- SiteCredential, CredentialIdentifiersList, and PluginPolicy: added for the Auto-Fill plugin
- User: to create users
- UserInfo: to view user information
Naming Convention changes in API version 6:
- Documentation will refer to Entries and Folders to remain consistent with the nomenclature used in the rest of the user documentation, but the old endpoints can still be used in v6.