Because we are hassle-free, our prices are openly listed. If these pricing packages don’t suit your current needs, we would be happy to provide a custom quote.
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Hassle-Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
All license purchases include one year of free updates to new versions. To continue getting new version features and updates after the first year, there are low cost Upgrade & Support plans that can be purchased. For up to date renewal pricing simply fill out your existing license key at our store homepage to see your options for instantly upgrading or renewing your license.
Increase Reset Users
If you are a current customer who requires additional licenses, simply fill enter your existing license key at our store homepage and there will be options for instantly upgrading your current license to support additional users. If you need assistance or don't see an option right for you, please Contact Us.
Stand-Alone Pleasant Reset Server comes with 3 free Pleasant Password Server users for Administration and User Enrollment.